Thursday, December 29, 2005

Welcome me back to town

I hope to post a little recap of my East Coast visit soon, but in the meantime, you may find this interesting. "Any number of crops," huh?

Also, here's more about that catastrophic Sacramento Delta levee failure that "is likely in the next 50 to 100 years," possibly during a period "of heavy and extended rainfall -- such as now." I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a peripheral canal to be built. It's more than 16 years after the Bay Bridge fell down in an earthquake that was not the Big One, and we're still driving across the old one.

FMFM: George Benson's It's Uptown, which is very unlike his 70s work for CTI or his vocals-oriented pop hits (although he does sing three standards here). It's more like a Jimmy Smith album with even more fabulous guitar. (Produced by John Hammond, who may have something to do with the unlikely Dylan reference in the liner notes.)


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