Tuesday, December 06, 2005

He calls that religion, #2

More Kansas matters.

FMFM: McCartney, a pleasant record with several great songs among the relatively thin but always enjoyable material. I've warmed to his early post-Beatle career quite a bit lately, with Ram emerging as the true masterstroke, really as good as his contributions to the White Album. How many people did homemade records on which they played all the instruments in 1970? You could make a case that these records are direct ancestors of the lo-fi sound and style that was so popular (in certain circles, anyway) around 1995.

Additionally, the AMG writer nails it in his review of Red Rose Speedway, whose "intoxicating" flourishes include some of the strangest moments in pop music history. (Last ten seconds of "Big Barn Bed," anyone?) And don't even get me started on the audible haze lingering above the couch as Paul sings "Let 'Em In" (from Wings At The Speed of Sound, the first record I ever owned), a bizarre, lightweight masterpiece if there ever was one. "Hey, could you get the door? I'm really comfortable here right now. Besides, it could be the Everly Brothers."


At 4:25 PM, Blogger E.L.M. said...

Boy, Elbo, I just can't get with you on this one. I'm open to having my mind changed, but Sir Paul is so often unlistenable. (OK, I like Jet.)


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