Saturday, February 18, 2006

Hopeless Sandoval

How embarrassing for our city: Gerardo Sandoval tells Fox News that the U.S. should not have a military.

I know it's only a Fox News setup. Hannity & Colmes, whatever. But however well-meaning he might be, Sandoval needs to realize that he's doing much more harm than good by spouting this kind of nonsense on national television. He's making San Francisco seem ridiculous, he's giving the anti-war left a bad name, and he's inadvertently helping Red America get its way. If you can make Sean Hannity look sensible, you're not doing good work. Idiot. ("Useful idiot," perhaps.)

I think I voted for him for Assessor just to get him off the Board of Supervisors.

Look, 21% 22% 19% of SFGate readers agree with him! Who are these people? (As usual, I'm easy to spot on the political spectrum: pretty damn far left anywhere else in the country, strangely right of center in San Francisco.)

Remember, the site where people apologized to the rest of the world for Bush's re-election? Well, I officially apologize to you non-San Franciscans across America for Sandoval's opinion, on behalf of the non-crazy 79% 78% 81% of our fair city. Oh, and I didn't vote for that proposition about keeping military recruiters out of our schools either. It wasn't me, folks, it wasn't me.

FMFM: George Benson's Beyond The Blue Horizon, featuring the incredibly expressive cello flourishes of Ron Carter


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