Monday, November 01, 2004

Signal to snow ratio

I sure hope this thing is decided tomorrow, because I just can't take it anymore. The waiting, as they say, is the hardest part. It's soothing to hear that the bin Laden tape changed few opinions, but it's equally discouraging to turn on CNN and see Paula Zahn in a town hall meeting in which 20% of the attendees haven't made up their minds yet. Twenty percent! I mean, I wonder about people sometimes.

I know, I'm making it worse by talking about it even more. May this be the blogging equivalent of throwing my hands up in the air in frustration.

OK, I'll do one more: Alterman predicts a Kerry landslide. What liberal mania.

P.S. - Turns out that my freaky Republican correspondent in Texas is actually a plagiarist. He admitted it too.


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