Friday, April 14, 2006

Word gets around

So my shout-outs to the Kinks and "skank-pop" in the same blog post have generated a record 12 comments (and counting! -- although I admit some of them are my own). I'll have to see what happens when I say something really controversial. Maybe it's time for that rant about indie-rock and trust-fund kids, and where the idea of "not selling out" really comes from.... naw, another time, perhaps.

A little free reading I'd like to pass along, then:

∙This morning I digested Sy Hersh's piece about the coming nightmare in Iran. File under "you've got to be kidding, but no, I can see that you aren't." Because the last war went so well.

∙I have to laugh when I follow a link that says "New Jersey Bans Smoking". Um, New Jersey is smoking.

∙Ten years later, here is Jeffrey Maier: batting .400 in college. Still identified as "boy who helped Yankees."

∙Via ALJones and Boingx2: They're racing Big Wheels down Lombard Street's "crookedest" segment on Sunday. Seems like a street luge for the Dead Hensons set. Fun.

Have a Good Friday....

FMFM: Four Television bootlegs from my late friend's collection. "The Grateful Dead of punk," they said, probably thinking of all the guitar-tuning breaks. The band could work up quite a lather, even on the 1992 reunion tour. Oh, and the 1975 version of "Marquee Moon" reveals a different, longer guitar riff (the "twittering" one rather than the "stuttering" one). Cool!


At 1:12 PM, Blogger lou jones said...

"working up a lather." nice! funny! true!


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