Tuesday, September 27, 2005

"We can all pitch in"

Now I've seen everything. A couple of days ago I noted that environmentalists in California were fighting to shut down a windmill farm. And now George W. Bush has urged Americans to stop driving so much. This from the same President who believes -- or believed -- that unfettered consumption is "an American way of life" due to the "bounty of resources in this country."

As I've noted before in this space, I'm happy that conservation is becoming more an American imperative than a lefty cause. If it's for geopolitical reasons more than environmentalist reasons, I'll still take it.

Meanwhile, these people are still out there. I see that Jonah Goldberg is applauding. Barf.

FMFM: The bizarre musical dialogue between Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk on take two of "The Man I Love," from Miles Davis And The Modern Jazz Giants. You can hear them thinking.


At 8:02 AM, Blogger Elbo said...

...and look, people are responding.


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