Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Debate in progress

Sad to say, Cheney is winning in a walk. Edwards is merely reiterating Kerry's remarks from last Thursday, and in fact parroting his actual verbiage. Cheney, by contrast, is able to say what Bush could not articulate. Right or wrong (read: wrong), Cheney's world view is coming through loudly and clearly, and Edwards is showing little besides his ability to stick to the script. Cheney has gotten in a number of sharp blows -- specifically about Edwards not showing up for a key vote and failing to count Iraqi casualties -- which Edwards has been completely unable to counter.

Edwards should say "Halliburton" more (he's done it once so far, and Cheney didn't respond) and hope they move onto healthcare and jobs sometime soon. Otherwise he's toast.

Hope the viewership is lower than the Presidential candidates' debate -- either because nobody cares about the Vices or because people love the Yankees.


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